Assemble. We got this bed for our 18 month old. She loves being able to climb in out of bed every morning/evening. The fence posts help make she she doesnt roll out at night. So far, its going very well! However, assembly was not easy. It took 2 of us. Directions were OK but at least all the parts were well labeled. At one point they have you attach one side to 4 supporting pieces, this was the hardest part. Overall, we are happy.
Looks Adorable
Assemble. We got this bed for our 18 month old. She loves being able to climb in out of bed every morning/evening. The fence posts help make she she doesnt roll out at night. So far, its going very well! However, assembly was not easy. It took 2 of us. Directions were OK but at least all the parts were well labeled. At one point they have you attach one side to 4 supporting pieces, this was the hardest part. Overall, we are happy.