It was kind of difficult to assemble but once we got the hang of it, it turned out to be super cute. Would recommend a drill. And its got a really strong chemical smell, also suggest opening a window and airing out the room a few hours or maybe all day. All Together my son loves it! UPDATE: If you have allergies, asthma, Or any type of respiratory problems, I would suggest building it outside and letting it air out for a few days maybe even wiping it down really good a few times too. Its almost 3 AM, me and my son are sick as a dog coughing because Of breathing in these paint chemicals. My Nephew likes it,
Chemical smell is horrible, will make you sick!
It was kind of difficult to assemble but once we got the hang of it, it turned out to be super cute. Would recommend a drill. And its got a really strong chemical smell, also suggest opening a window and airing out the room a few hours or maybe all day. All Together my son loves it! UPDATE: If you have allergies, asthma, Or any type of respiratory problems, I would suggest building it outside and letting it air out for a few days maybe even wiping it down really good a few times too. Its almost 3 AM, me and my son are sick as a dog coughing because Of breathing in these paint chemicals. My Nephew likes it,