Product arrived in perfect condition. I love that theres no assembly and that it was ready to go out of the box. The color is very pretty, and the material seems very durable. It also came with a long matching pillow, which I didnt realize when I ordered it, so that was a plus! Its quite firm, but thats what we needed, and you could put a topper on it if using it as a bed. Obviously my favorite part is being able to choose from the five different positions, which allows me more space in the room when I need it. All in all, a great purchase that Im very stoked about!
Exactly what I needed
Product arrived in perfect condition. I love that theres no assembly and that it was ready to go out of the box. The color is very pretty, and the material seems very durable. It also came with a long matching pillow, which I didnt realize when I ordered it, so that was a plus! Its quite firm, but thats what we needed, and you could put a topper on it if using it as a bed. Obviously my favorite part is being able to choose from the five different positions, which allows me more space in the room when I need it. All in all, a great purchase that Im very stoked about!