This is a quality piece. Every part arrived in perfect condition, and all holes lined up exactly making this a very easy assembly. The instructions were very accurate, and drawings were also provided. I put it together in about 2 1/2 hours, taking a coffee break during that time. The only tool I needed that wasnt provided was a Phillips screwdriver. The finish on this piece was flawless, and it really looks nice. I would highly recommend this cart if you need extra space.
Great value, great quality, easy assembly.
This is a quality piece. Every part arrived in perfect condition, and all holes lined up exactly making this a very easy assembly. The instructions were very accurate, and drawings were also provided. I put it together in about 2 1/2 hours, taking a coffee break during that time. The only tool I needed that wasnt provided was a Phillips screwdriver. The finish on this piece was flawless, and it really looks nice. I would highly recommend this cart if you need extra space.