We took out an island that had come with the house, and unfortunately that left a square of old linoleum that needed to be covered up. The dimensions that we saw on for this island should have mostly covered it with just an inch or two where the indents are at the base of the cabinet. Unfortunately we had a two inch gap all the way around and had to put in a platform using a different material but it ended up looking good / so, dont count on the dimensions has given. Otherwise it is a beautiful island, just takes time to get it all together.
Its beautiful
We took out an island that had come with the house, and unfortunately that left a square of old linoleum that needed to be covered up. The dimensions that we saw on for this island should have mostly covered it with just an inch or two where the indents are at the base of the cabinet. Unfortunately we had a two inch gap all the way around and had to put in a platform using a different material but it ended up looking good / so, dont count on the dimensions has given. Otherwise it is a beautiful island, just takes time to get it all together.