Difficult to build. Should come with wall L Brackets
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price It was pretty difficult to assemble, but once we got it together and tightened everything it is pretty sturdy. When climbing up and down the ladder I would feel the bed kind of shake, so I put L brackets against the wall and I no longer have any issues of with the sturdiness. This bed in my opinion is worth the money. I bought this for myself because I moved into a small bedroom and needed more space, this allowed me to be able to have my desk under my bed. Which gave my room a lot more space overall.
Difficult to build. Should come with wall L Brackets
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price It was pretty difficult to assemble, but once we got it together and tightened everything it is pretty sturdy. When climbing up and down the ladder I would feel the bed kind of shake, so I put L brackets against the wall and I no longer have any issues of with the sturdiness. This bed in my opinion is worth the money. I bought this for myself because I moved into a small bedroom and needed more space, this allowed me to be able to have my desk under my bed. Which gave my room a lot more space overall.