I just wanted a simple, inexpensive bed and this is a good option. I put it together by myself in less than an hour. Super easy assembly, didn’t need any extra tools. The pieces were clearly labeled. I just got it but it appears sturdy. Just be aware the box is very heavy so having someone help you bring it in is helpful. Also there were minor imperfections in the pieces, places in the black metal where silver was showing. It’s not noticeable once the bed is assembled but black nail polish would also touch it up.
Good bed
I just wanted a simple, inexpensive bed and this is a good option. I put it together by myself in less than an hour. Super easy assembly, didn’t need any extra tools. The pieces were clearly labeled. I just got it but it appears sturdy. Just be aware the box is very heavy so having someone help you bring it in is helpful. Also there were minor imperfections in the pieces, places in the black metal where silver was showing. It’s not noticeable once the bed is assembled but black nail polish would also touch it up.