Solid and nice looking budget option except for the underside
I have these in the roundback brown faux leather. Overall, I like these but they do have one major flaw. First, the good / they look nice for a budget option.The assembly is relatively easy. They are comfortable, firm, and solid. Obviously, easier to clean since they are synthetic.I like the sturdiness of the metal leg but the look of the wood.The finish looks like real wood and the coating is solid with no flaws.Ive had several chairs with metal coated legs and most have had flaws, especially in this price point. The bad / the underside of this chair has a cheap black fabric where the base is for the legs to mount to. This fabric extends too far toward the edges of the seat so it is visible, especially from the back of the chair. They could have extended the faux leather a bit further or, at least, made the fabric the same color as the chair. Im happy with this chair in every other way except for this flaw.Pics included.
Solid and nice looking budget option except for the underside
I have these in the roundback brown faux leather. Overall, I like these but they do have one major flaw. First, the good / they look nice for a budget option.The assembly is relatively easy. They are comfortable, firm, and solid. Obviously, easier to clean since they are synthetic.I like the sturdiness of the metal leg but the look of the wood.The finish looks like real wood and the coating is solid with no flaws.Ive had several chairs with metal coated legs and most have had flaws, especially in this price point. The bad / the underside of this chair has a cheap black fabric where the base is for the legs to mount to. This fabric extends too far toward the edges of the seat so it is visible, especially from the back of the chair. They could have extended the faux leather a bit further or, at least, made the fabric the same color as the chair. Im happy with this chair in every other way except for this flaw.Pics included.