This is the perfect cozy little reading chair for my office! Im so happy with this purchase. The chair only took a few minutes to assemble and is comfy if you get a little ottoman (I got a little one I can push underneath the chair) but also good for just sitting in with my legs crossed up or my legs tossed over the side. Its very plush and a great space for me to sit and read whenever I need a mental break from work. Id highly recommend this chair to others.
Cozy reading chair
This is the perfect cozy little reading chair for my office! Im so happy with this purchase. The chair only took a few minutes to assemble and is comfy if you get a little ottoman (I got a little one I can push underneath the chair) but also good for just sitting in with my legs crossed up or my legs tossed over the side. Its very plush and a great space for me to sit and read whenever I need a mental break from work. Id highly recommend this chair to others.