It looks great, came separate days but was worth the wait! My daughter loves her new big-girl bed. Shes nearly 3 and is just now transitioning out of a baby bed. The bed was relatively easy to assemble and seems sturdy, even under an adults weight. I like that the height is low enough that she can get in and out without risk of falling far. Theres still enough space beneath for storage, if you wanted. Overall, I feel like its a good value. We saw similar beds in furniture stores for nearly double the price. Obviously not highly expensive wood, but it seems strong enough for use as a kids bed for several years.
Great kids bed
It looks great, came separate days but was worth the wait! My daughter loves her new big-girl bed. Shes nearly 3 and is just now transitioning out of a baby bed. The bed was relatively easy to assemble and seems sturdy, even under an adults weight. I like that the height is low enough that she can get in and out without risk of falling far. Theres still enough space beneath for storage, if you wanted. Overall, I feel like its a good value. We saw similar beds in furniture stores for nearly double the price. Obviously not highly expensive wood, but it seems strong enough for use as a kids bed for several years.