You wont regret this purchase A super quality bed frame. At first, I was nervous purchasing this one because it is a non-prime item, but I do chose it since the price is good for my pocket. The seller shipped it really fast. It is durable and fancy with a wooden head board. I do like the style of this bed frame because it is very easy to assemble or take it apart. Im scared of bulky bed frame when it comes to moving. My boyfriend took about 30 minutes to make it, so It is not hard to do it by yourself. I couldnt ask for more in this inexpensive bed frame. RECOMMEND!!!
You wont regret this purchase A super quality bed frame. At first, I was nervous purchasing this one because it is a non-prime item, but I do chose it since the price is good for my pocket. The seller shipped it really fast. It is durable and fancy with a wooden head board. I do like the style of this bed frame because it is very easy to assemble or take it apart. Im scared of bulky bed frame when it comes to moving. My boyfriend took about 30 minutes to make it, so It is not hard to do it by yourself. I couldnt ask for more in this inexpensive bed frame. RECOMMEND!!!