Great quality and design for the value It was easy to assemble. I got the chair because Im pregnant and wanted a new chair without the heavy price tag.
It only got 3 stars for comfort because the back doesnt recline at all even when foot stool is up but more importantly the massaging pieces stick out of the chair a bit so you can feel the hard knots that vibrate when you sit down so I have to put a pillow behind my back before I can sit or it kinda hurts. The ones on the seat stick out as well but dont generally bother me
Love it but it could be more comfortable
Great quality and design for the value It was easy to assemble. I got the chair because Im pregnant and wanted a new chair without the heavy price tag. It only got 3 stars for comfort because the back doesnt recline at all even when foot stool is up but more importantly the massaging pieces stick out of the chair a bit so you can feel the hard knots that vibrate when you sit down so I have to put a pillow behind my back before I can sit or it kinda hurts. The ones on the seat stick out as well but dont generally bother me