It is my favorite item in the nursery. With it Im able to feed baby and if my toddler wants to sit with us he can. I can lay in it, obviously with my legs curled up or hanging out of it, if my toddler isnt feeling well and I want to be in the room with him. Its super sturdy, my husband and I are both over 200lbs and this chair had no issues holding its own for our family photos. Do the work.
Love this chair!
It is my favorite item in the nursery. With it Im able to feed baby and if my toddler wants to sit with us he can. I can lay in it, obviously with my legs curled up or hanging out of it, if my toddler isnt feeling well and I want to be in the room with him. Its super sturdy, my husband and I are both over 200lbs and this chair had no issues holding its own for our family photos. Do the work.