Good for the money, pretty sturdy but I wouldnt recommend letting anyone sit on it. I put it together in 2 minutes, it took longer to get it out of all of the packaging than it did to put it together. A decent size dent/gouge in one of the table legs, but since its not noticeable unless its flipped over well be keeping it. We will be getting a second to put together for a bigger ottoman. We love it
Good for the money.
Good for the money, pretty sturdy but I wouldnt recommend letting anyone sit on it. I put it together in 2 minutes, it took longer to get it out of all of the packaging than it did to put it together. A decent size dent/gouge in one of the table legs, but since its not noticeable unless its flipped over well be keeping it. We will be getting a second to put together for a bigger ottoman. We love it