I thought it was better quality I had been using this sofa for the past few weeks now. It has been amazing! The assemble was quite easy. However, it started confusing for where the parts should go. But the instructions helps. I used 20min to assemble this sofa. I had to said that the leather is very comfortable! Now is summer but it will not be hot when I sit on it for a long period of time. And I feel like it is pretty strong. Sometime I had three adults sat on it. It is totally supportable!
I thought it was better quality I had been using this sofa for the past few weeks now. It has been amazing! The assemble was quite easy. However, it started confusing for where the parts should go. But the instructions helps. I used 20min to assemble this sofa. I had to said that the leather is very comfortable! Now is summer but it will not be hot when I sit on it for a long period of time. And I feel like it is pretty strong. Sometime I had three adults sat on it. It is totally supportable!