This is a very nice looking piece except for the missing screw hole caps. It took well over 3 hours to assemble by two experienced assemblers which was a long time. The most disappointing part so far is there were no caps included to cover the screw holes. It really makes the piece look incomplete and cheap. I cant tell if they were left out or just dont exist but for the price they should have been included. Im sure this will serve its purpose for us but it is disappointing.
Assembly is time consuming pieces missing
This is a very nice looking piece except for the missing screw hole caps. It took well over 3 hours to assemble by two experienced assemblers which was a long time. The most disappointing part so far is there were no caps included to cover the screw holes. It really makes the piece look incomplete and cheap. I cant tell if they were left out or just dont exist but for the price they should have been included. Im sure this will serve its purpose for us but it is disappointing.