Love this frame. We had two people to put it together. The box is a bit heavy. Seems very sturdy, but I havent slept in it yet. The predrilled holes on a couple of the pieces were very hard to put the screws into. The cork boards holes werent lined up correctly so the bottom two screws arent in. My desk corner has been damaged, it looks as if someone had dropped the corner of the box in the shipping process. I bought a memory foam mattress to go along with the new frame, so I am unable to sleep on it tonight; I will update in a few days. Ok.
Nice for storage/workstation and very sleek.
Love this frame. We had two people to put it together. The box is a bit heavy. Seems very sturdy, but I havent slept in it yet. The predrilled holes on a couple of the pieces were very hard to put the screws into. The cork boards holes werent lined up correctly so the bottom two screws arent in. My desk corner has been damaged, it looks as if someone had dropped the corner of the box in the shipping process. I bought a memory foam mattress to go along with the new frame, so I am unable to sleep on it tonight; I will update in a few days. Ok.