Great value. Very sturdy. I bought this to replace the bunk bed area in the 2nd room of our RV, in the slide out area of my daughters room. I cant recommend it enough! It was so so so easy to put together and it is soft and pretty. It even came with two throw pillows. The only thing I am not a fan of is the super shiny gold legs, I wish they were more muted. But truthfully, it looks like a high end piece of furniture on a modest budget. I highly recommend!
Wow, above my expectations!
Great value. Very sturdy. I bought this to replace the bunk bed area in the 2nd room of our RV, in the slide out area of my daughters room. I cant recommend it enough! It was so so so easy to put together and it is soft and pretty. It even came with two throw pillows. The only thing I am not a fan of is the super shiny gold legs, I wish they were more muted. But truthfully, it looks like a high end piece of furniture on a modest budget. I highly recommend!