I was able to assemble by myself without any issues. The photo directions were perfect and all the pieces were well marked. My only issue is the one dented corner piece (which cant be hidden by flipping the headboard upside down). The box it shipped in is not dented or warped and there is padding inside the box so I can only assume it got put in the box that way? Overall I am quite happy and I plan to buy another one for another room when my youngest moves into another room.
Pretty happy overall (XL Twin)
I was able to assemble by myself without any issues. The photo directions were perfect and all the pieces were well marked. My only issue is the one dented corner piece (which cant be hidden by flipping the headboard upside down). The box it shipped in is not dented or warped and there is padding inside the box so I can only assume it got put in the box that way? Overall I am quite happy and I plan to buy another one for another room when my youngest moves into another room.