Easy to put together. Looks cool. Seems sturdy. I havent tried tried it out yet but if its not sturdy then I will let you know. When putting it together do not tighten the screws down. Leave them loose until its all built. That ways its easier to turn around pieces if you need to. Lay it all out on the floor so that you can get the visual and then start. Leave the footboard portion of the assembly to the end. Its easier that way.
Easy to put together. Looks cool. Seems sturdy. I havent tried tried it out yet but if its not sturdy then I will let you know. When putting it together do not tighten the screws down. Leave them loose until its all built. That ways its easier to turn around pieces if you need to. Lay it all out on the floor so that you can get the visual and then start. Leave the footboard portion of the assembly to the end. Its easier that way.