The table is sturdy enough and quite affordable for what the price is. The only problem was the one I received appears to have been used already. This wouldnt be a problem if I had ordered refurbished or used, but I purchased a brand new table. The table has several scuffs on the top that led me to believe it was previously bought/used and returned to the seller. Also upon assembling I noticed the legs of the table were labeled incorrectly. Basically when I went to assemble, the legs labeled B were actually C. This confusion of labeling caused me to half assemble it incorrectly and eventually start over once I figured it out, just a mild annoyance really.
I think I received a Used Table
The table is sturdy enough and quite affordable for what the price is. The only problem was the one I received appears to have been used already. This wouldnt be a problem if I had ordered refurbished or used, but I purchased a brand new table. The table has several scuffs on the top that led me to believe it was previously bought/used and returned to the seller. Also upon assembling I noticed the legs of the table were labeled incorrectly. Basically when I went to assemble, the legs labeled B were actually C. This confusion of labeling caused me to half assemble it incorrectly and eventually start over once I figured it out, just a mild annoyance really.