Definitely safe and sturdy but attaching the springs were a chore. My 3 year old grandson was honestly all that fit comfortably in there and he enjoyed it for 10 mins but not really enough room for the 7 or the 10 year old also even though they are all small build so he didn’t want to use it without his siblings. Single child at young age then awesome but more then one I wouldn’t recommend it and will try to find a big one for my grandkids and donate this to a family in need.
Smaller then I thought
Definitely safe and sturdy but attaching the springs were a chore. My 3 year old grandson was honestly all that fit comfortably in there and he enjoyed it for 10 mins but not really enough room for the 7 or the 10 year old also even though they are all small build so he didn’t want to use it without his siblings. Single child at young age then awesome but more then one I wouldn’t recommend it and will try to find a big one for my grandkids and donate this to a family in need.