I absolutely love it for my niece! Its nice and sturdy for her. (160lbs) We paid the extra for them to assemble it so, I cant say if it was easy or not. Her bedroom is very small and we were worried that the ladder would stick out too far for her to walk passed it. As you can see, it goes perfect! I cant wait to get her dresser drawers to go under it and save more space. She loves having the desk there for drawing, school work and doing her makeup. Shes happy, so Im extra happy. I would definitely order this again! I am very pleased so far
Love it!
I absolutely love it for my niece! Its nice and sturdy for her. (160lbs) We paid the extra for them to assemble it so, I cant say if it was easy or not. Her bedroom is very small and we were worried that the ladder would stick out too far for her to walk passed it. As you can see, it goes perfect! I cant wait to get her dresser drawers to go under it and save more space. She loves having the desk there for drawing, school work and doing her makeup. Shes happy, so Im extra happy. I would definitely order this again! I am very pleased so far