Overall the chair is good, pretty comfortable, cup holders and pockets are convenient. The remote came smashed and after contacting the seller they sent a new one. The massage is just a vibrate not like the fancy spa chairs. I am currently pregnant still and so far my biggest concern is its hard to close the foot rest especially since it rocks it makes it harder to get it to close. I am thinking it could be because I am 54 my mom is 57 and it was easier for her to close. Once I have the baby I wont be able to use the chair in the recline with out help getting out of the chair I already have issues now being 8 months pregnant. Overall its a good chair. Built strong.
Purchased for my nusery
Overall the chair is good, pretty comfortable, cup holders and pockets are convenient. The remote came smashed and after contacting the seller they sent a new one. The massage is just a vibrate not like the fancy spa chairs. I am currently pregnant still and so far my biggest concern is its hard to close the foot rest especially since it rocks it makes it harder to get it to close. I am thinking it could be because I am 54 my mom is 57 and it was easier for her to close. Once I have the baby I wont be able to use the chair in the recline with out help getting out of the chair I already have issues now being 8 months pregnant. Overall its a good chair. Built strong.