Love the bed. Bought this bed for my 8 and 9 year old girls. They love it. Very sturdy. The only complaint is that the instructions were not good. Definitely arrange the pieces out in advance, especially in the first few steps and visually determine where the holes should be. Even with taking apart a few times, it took me, by myself 3 hours to put together. But it was worth it! Sturdier than I expected
Nice Bed!
Love the bed. Bought this bed for my 8 and 9 year old girls. They love it. Very sturdy. The only complaint is that the instructions were not good. Definitely arrange the pieces out in advance, especially in the first few steps and visually determine where the holes should be. Even with taking apart a few times, it took me, by myself 3 hours to put together. But it was worth it! Sturdier than I expected