Good if youre looking for a super low bed. Seller is very responsive.
The good part is that it arrived much earlier than the expected delivery date so super fast.
The bad news is that it was missing a slat so we could use it.
Also, the bed is super super low. If you dont mind that then its a good buy.
Update: the seller replaced the bed very quickly and sent a new one. Its a great purchase for the price and the seller is gery responsibe!
Good if youre looking for a super low bed. Seller is very responsive.
The good part is that it arrived much earlier than the expected delivery date so super fast. The bad news is that it was missing a slat so we could use it. Also, the bed is super super low. If you dont mind that then its a good buy. Update: the seller replaced the bed very quickly and sent a new one. Its a great purchase for the price and the seller is gery responsibe!