It is a very nice piece once assembled. It takes longer than 70 minutes to assemble as stated in the instructions The fit and finish as far as drawers alignment could be better but was mostly resolved by adjusting the screws on the hinges which is not mentioned anywhere in the instructions. I would have liked the drawers to be a little sturdier but overall it is a beautiful piece of furniture for the price. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Beautiful piece for the price
It is a very nice piece once assembled. It takes longer than 70 minutes to assemble as stated in the instructions The fit and finish as far as drawers alignment could be better but was mostly resolved by adjusting the screws on the hinges which is not mentioned anywhere in the instructions. I would have liked the drawers to be a little sturdier but overall it is a beautiful piece of furniture for the price. This product was exactly what I was hoping for