Pretty easy to assemble, you need to people after putting the slats on bed. After that only took another 5/10 mins. So pretty! Just like the picture and yes, sturdy. I was very surprised. Great value for the money since my granddaughter will only be using it 3 times a year for a handful of days at a time. The reason I gave the bed a 4 out of 5 is because the parts could be a little thicker. Good Quality for Cost
So pretty !
Pretty easy to assemble, you need to people after putting the slats on bed. After that only took another 5/10 mins. So pretty! Just like the picture and yes, sturdy. I was very surprised. Great value for the money since my granddaughter will only be using it 3 times a year for a handful of days at a time. The reason I gave the bed a 4 out of 5 is because the parts could be a little thicker. Good Quality for Cost