Overall this bed is great / my daughter loved it! Assembling is pretty straight forward. it took me about 3h total. One of the parts came with a huge crack: it doesnt impact safety and I was able to hide it during assembly. But it shows quality control is poor. Talking about quality, the bed looks and feels sturdy but I found a lot of threaded inserts that were not square to the parts. Do not use a impact driver or you will damage the wood. I chose to hand screw to avoid any damage and think it was the best choise. Finally, a manual to install the fabric parts would be useful. Great choice for reasonable price
Great but it has some flaws
Overall this bed is great / my daughter loved it! Assembling is pretty straight forward. it took me about 3h total. One of the parts came with a huge crack: it doesnt impact safety and I was able to hide it during assembly. But it shows quality control is poor. Talking about quality, the bed looks and feels sturdy but I found a lot of threaded inserts that were not square to the parts. Do not use a impact driver or you will damage the wood. I chose to hand screw to avoid any damage and think it was the best choise. Finally, a manual to install the fabric parts would be useful. Great choice for reasonable price