The product discription is accurate and thats always nice.
I ordered this because its shipped 90+or/ percent dissembled. My apartment has one of the smallest stepped turns in a stairway possible. It came in 3 boxes and everything fit in my small stairway fine. It did take me about 11 hours to assemble, but I was by myself. And it was extremely difficult to put the top bunk on top by myself. I thought that the steps lifted up but the 3 drawers pull out. If it was made of a stronger wood and cost less, I would carry a picture of it. Did not disappoint
The product discription is accurate and thats always nice.
I ordered this because its shipped 90+or/ percent dissembled. My apartment has one of the smallest stepped turns in a stairway possible. It came in 3 boxes and everything fit in my small stairway fine. It did take me about 11 hours to assemble, but I was by myself. And it was extremely difficult to put the top bunk on top by myself. I thought that the steps lifted up but the 3 drawers pull out. If it was made of a stronger wood and cost less, I would carry a picture of it. Did not disappoint