Super easy to assemble and looks great! This is the third product in our household and after my recent experience with their customer service team I truly cannot recommend this company enough!
I purchased this bed a year ago and unfortunately two of the trundle wheels broke during a move. I contacted customer service to see if they could help, dreading that they wouldnt be able to do anything since it had been so long since the purchase was made. Well they sent me new wheels and were communicative and helpful throughout the entire process! Im a customer for life!!
Aming Customer Service
Super easy to assemble and looks great! This is the third product in our household and after my recent experience with their customer service team I truly cannot recommend this company enough! I purchased this bed a year ago and unfortunately two of the trundle wheels broke during a move. I contacted customer service to see if they could help, dreading that they wouldnt be able to do anything since it had been so long since the purchase was made. Well they sent me new wheels and were communicative and helpful throughout the entire process! Im a customer for life!!