Three of the four chairs put together easily. But the fourth chair has a defect in the B leg. The screw hole is crooked so the screw doesnt connect and screw in through the A leg that fits on top. So I cant use the 4th chair. I really like the chairs and I think the set will look great. If can send me a replacement B leg thatd be awesome.
Other than that the chairs are comfortable and modern looking and sturdy.
Well. the defective chair leg is a bummer
Three of the four chairs put together easily. But the fourth chair has a defect in the B leg. The screw hole is crooked so the screw doesnt connect and screw in through the A leg that fits on top. So I cant use the 4th chair. I really like the chairs and I think the set will look great. If can send me a replacement B leg thatd be awesome. Other than that the chairs are comfortable and modern looking and sturdy.