The product is fine, but the instructions for assembly are terrible! We found several typos in the instructions, a couple of parts were labeled incorrectly, and since the instructions do not clearly differentiate the front and back we had to rely on the small details in the pictures. However, the pictures and instructions contradict themselves, causing us to move the same piece three times. I hope the company corrects these mistakes to save others time! Overall you got what you paid for.
Terrible Instructions
The product is fine, but the instructions for assembly are terrible! We found several typos in the instructions, a couple of parts were labeled incorrectly, and since the instructions do not clearly differentiate the front and back we had to rely on the small details in the pictures. However, the pictures and instructions contradict themselves, causing us to move the same piece three times. I hope the company corrects these mistakes to save others time! Overall you got what you paid for.