The color is slightly off from what is pictured. Its not as soft of a pink. It was easy to assemble and was sturdy enough for an adult to sit in, but this will be going for my teen daughter. May be a concerned if she tries to swivel in the chair. Not sure if the hardware is sturdy enough, but will update my review after a couple months use. The fur on the chair is nice. So nice my dog is terrified of it, thinking its something alive. Was not easily shedding like other reviews.
Color slightly off.
The color is slightly off from what is pictured. Its not as soft of a pink. It was easy to assemble and was sturdy enough for an adult to sit in, but this will be going for my teen daughter. May be a concerned if she tries to swivel in the chair. Not sure if the hardware is sturdy enough, but will update my review after a couple months use. The fur on the chair is nice. So nice my dog is terrified of it, thinking its something alive. Was not easily shedding like other reviews.