I really like the look of this sturdy little rack. I put it in my home gym to keep shoes and small equipment off the floor. Be careful when you put it together. Instructions say that there are 8 screws of equal size, but there are actually 4 shorter ones that must be used for the shelf. When I first assembled it I used the long screws which projected through the top. After contacting the manufacturer, they replaced the top. Just be careful when you assemble and you will have a great little rack.
Makes my home gym neater
I really like the look of this sturdy little rack. I put it in my home gym to keep shoes and small equipment off the floor. Be careful when you put it together. Instructions say that there are 8 screws of equal size, but there are actually 4 shorter ones that must be used for the shelf. When I first assembled it I used the long screws which projected through the top. After contacting the manufacturer, they replaced the top. Just be careful when you assemble and you will have a great little rack.