I needed a table to go behind my couch as I walk into the door to lay my keys and things in. It was easy to assemble, I put it together myself. Just had to pay attention to instructions. Take my time and not get ahead of the directions. It is pretty sturdy for my needs. Not if I move it around multiple times however. I think leave it alone and it will last a while. I think it was not bad for the price I paid for it. I kind of wanted a lighter color however. Or a white one with a light brown top. But didnt see one like that. This was still went with my other living room things. Im enjoying it so far!
I needed a table to go behind my couch as I walk into the door to lay my keys and things in. It was easy to assemble, I put it together myself. Just had to pay attention to instructions. Take my time and not get ahead of the directions. It is pretty sturdy for my needs. Not if I move it around multiple times however. I think leave it alone and it will last a while. I think it was not bad for the price I paid for it. I kind of wanted a lighter color however. Or a white one with a light brown top. But didnt see one like that. This was still went with my other living room things. Im enjoying it so far!