We purchased two of these for our kids. They were fairly easy to assemble, and seem pretty sturdy. My 7 year old daughter had a little trouble climbing the ladder, because you have to step over the side rail, but after a day she had the hang of it. I like having the rail going all around, not open at the ladder, because it makes the kids feel safer. A ladder at both ends is good, because it gives us more versatility in where to put the bed. Definitely a good bed for the price. Happy with purchase
Good loft bed for kids
We purchased two of these for our kids. They were fairly easy to assemble, and seem pretty sturdy. My 7 year old daughter had a little trouble climbing the ladder, because you have to step over the side rail, but after a day she had the hang of it. I like having the rail going all around, not open at the ladder, because it makes the kids feel safer. A ladder at both ends is good, because it gives us more versatility in where to put the bed. Definitely a good bed for the price. Happy with purchase