We purchased a bed with a desk underneath for our 8-year-old son, and he absolutely loves it! While it took a couple of hours to assemble, the end result was worth it. However, we did find that the instructions could be improved, as it was necessary to pay close attention to the pictures to avoid assembling anything backwards. Overall, the bed feels sturdy and of high quality. It is worth noting that the bed is taller than it appears in the photos, but the measurements are accurately provided.
Quality bed
We purchased a bed with a desk underneath for our 8-year-old son, and he absolutely loves it! While it took a couple of hours to assemble, the end result was worth it. However, we did find that the instructions could be improved, as it was necessary to pay close attention to the pictures to avoid assembling anything backwards. Overall, the bed feels sturdy and of high quality. It is worth noting that the bed is taller than it appears in the photos, but the measurements are accurately provided.