It has nice low legs that make it very sturdy with plenty of room for my kid blankets
The one I bought it a nice deep dark gray and I really like the color. It has wide, large legs that sit close to the g so it feels very sturdy when you put your feet on it. The woven fabric is thick and tightly woven so I believe it will last for a long time. The lid is heavy and solid and doesnt have any give when you put your feet on it. I was worried because I have cats but they have checked it out and even tried to claw it a couple of times. Their claws did not damage it at all, although I will have to teach them to leave it alone. Its great for putting blankets in for when my grandchildren come to visit.
It has nice low legs that make it very sturdy with plenty of room for my kid blankets
The one I bought it a nice deep dark gray and I really like the color. It has wide, large legs that sit close to the g so it feels very sturdy when you put your feet on it. The woven fabric is thick and tightly woven so I believe it will last for a long time. The lid is heavy and solid and doesnt have any give when you put your feet on it. I was worried because I have cats but they have checked it out and even tried to claw it a couple of times. Their claws did not damage it at all, although I will have to teach them to leave it alone. Its great for putting blankets in for when my grandchildren come to visit.