On the road to returning this chair. The assembly was super easy and straightforward if you follow the instructions. The chair is sturdy, even for a person over six feet tall and 250 pounds. I also enjoyed the high back. Where things go array is the comfort. The back just didnt have the support comfort I was looking for. Sitting in it for a prolong period of time (either with legs propped up or just in the standard mode), the back of the chair just didnt provide enough comfort. I bought a lumbar pillow to try to fix some of the comfort issues, but even that didnt help. So Im unfortunately going to return the chairs. It looks stunning, especially for the price, and I wished it worked for the office, but alas, I must return it and continue looking for something more comfortable.
Stylish Chair, but Wasnt Comfortable for Me
On the road to returning this chair. The assembly was super easy and straightforward if you follow the instructions. The chair is sturdy, even for a person over six feet tall and 250 pounds. I also enjoyed the high back. Where things go array is the comfort. The back just didnt have the support comfort I was looking for. Sitting in it for a prolong period of time (either with legs propped up or just in the standard mode), the back of the chair just didnt provide enough comfort. I bought a lumbar pillow to try to fix some of the comfort issues, but even that didnt help. So Im unfortunately going to return the chairs. It looks stunning, especially for the price, and I wished it worked for the office, but alas, I must return it and continue looking for something more comfortable.