The design is beautiful and if you look at it from the distance it can look fancy. However, the materials are cheap and you can tell. The assembly was super easy. The main problem with this table is the wooden top, which seems covered by a very thin layer of paint or coat which makes it look as if it was marble. This fake marble coat is starting to go and we've only had this table for a couple of months. Be careful with the products you use to clean it because they can get the coat away. I already have missing pieces of the coat and you can see the board underneath.
It's beautiful but cheap material
The design is beautiful and if you look at it from the distance it can look fancy. However, the materials are cheap and you can tell. The assembly was super easy. The main problem with this table is the wooden top, which seems covered by a very thin layer of paint or coat which makes it look as if it was marble. This fake marble coat is starting to go and we've only had this table for a couple of months. Be careful with the products you use to clean it because they can get the coat away. I already have missing pieces of the coat and you can see the board underneath.