This chair is perfect fit for our desk. It arrived a day sooner than expected,it is easy to assemble and the seat is just the look I wanted. It comes with the screws and Allen wrench and it took me only about 5 minutes to assemble. I sat on the floor,t the chair bottom facing me in my lap. That allows for lining up the leg assembly holes then easily placing the screws in to tighten Sturdy chair. Glad I found it!
This chair is perfect fit for our desk. It arrived a day sooner than expected,it is easy to assemble and the seat is just the look I wanted. It comes with the screws and Allen wrench and it took me only about 5 minutes to assemble. I sat on the floor,t the chair bottom facing me in my lap. That allows for lining up the leg assembly holes then easily placing the screws in to tighten Sturdy chair. Glad I found it!