When we first started to assemble this bunk bed, we hit a snag just a few steps in. We contacted the company and they happily and quickly sent us a replacement piece. Excellent customer service! The assembly was not too difficult and with attention to detail, the instructions were fairly easy to follow. The finished product feels very sturdy and is an excellent space saver in a small, shared room. My 3- and 6-year olds are very excited to enjoy this bunk bed!
Excellent customer service!
When we first started to assemble this bunk bed, we hit a snag just a few steps in. We contacted the company and they happily and quickly sent us a replacement piece. Excellent customer service! The assembly was not too difficult and with attention to detail, the instructions were fairly easy to follow. The finished product feels very sturdy and is an excellent space saver in a small, shared room. My 3- and 6-year olds are very excited to enjoy this bunk bed!