This bunk bed is perfect for my almost 2 year old and my 6 year old. Its super study. Like legit sturdy. I was kind of worried, because weve had pine furniture that collapsed directly after assembly, but not this bed. It was pretty easy to assemble, if youve put together stuff, you can do this. The biggest difference is that the for this actually hardware feels secure. I can tell that well be able to disassemble and reassemble if we have to. If definitely recommend this bed, and Ill be keeping the brand in mind in the future.
Suuuuper sturdy.
This bunk bed is perfect for my almost 2 year old and my 6 year old. Its super study. Like legit sturdy. I was kind of worried, because weve had pine furniture that collapsed directly after assembly, but not this bed. It was pretty easy to assemble, if youve put together stuff, you can do this. The biggest difference is that the for this actually hardware feels secure. I can tell that well be able to disassemble and reassemble if we have to. If definitely recommend this bed, and Ill be keeping the brand in mind in the future.