love this platform and headboard. looks clean and elegant, even better looking than the pics. very sturdy (we have a purple mattress.) I put it together myself and had no problems - we have the queen size. Instructions were clear and all the parts fit together fine. box is heavy but managable. Instructions recommended assembling it in the room in which it will be used - and i'm glad i did. once it's together it is heavy. It has no squeaks or creaks and no wiggle. definitely a 5-star recommendation.
sturdy and easy to put together - even solo
love this platform and headboard. looks clean and elegant, even better looking than the pics. very sturdy (we have a purple mattress.) I put it together myself and had no problems - we have the queen size. Instructions were clear and all the parts fit together fine. box is heavy but managable. Instructions recommended assembling it in the room in which it will be used - and i'm glad i did. once it's together it is heavy. It has no squeaks or creaks and no wiggle. definitely a 5-star recommendation.