Beautiful Velvet Bench but terrible legs that come with it. They are way too small!
This is a very nice velvet bench. The only problem is the legs that come with this bench are too small. They are 3 1/2 inches in height which makes it way too low to sit on. The seller should offer different size legs to select for the buyer. This would save people a lot of time from having to look and purchase another set of legs not to mention the extra cost. I purchased 8 inch square legs on and they look great and are a perfect height for me now. Also, the bench is very sturdy with these legs. I had to pay an extra $35 for the legs on top of the price of the bench which is not cheap with the two combined. I still have the legs it came with if the seller wants them back for another customer because I have no use for them.
Beautiful Velvet Bench but terrible legs that come with it. They are way too small!
This is a very nice velvet bench. The only problem is the legs that come with this bench are too small. They are 3 1/2 inches in height which makes it way too low to sit on. The seller should offer different size legs to select for the buyer. This would save people a lot of time from having to look and purchase another set of legs not to mention the extra cost. I purchased 8 inch square legs on and they look great and are a perfect height for me now. Also, the bench is very sturdy with these legs. I had to pay an extra $35 for the legs on top of the price of the bench which is not cheap with the two combined. I still have the legs it came with if the seller wants them back for another customer because I have no use for them.