Comfy, sturdy, and soft, this chair is a great little accent piece for a corner or reading area.
I bought this for my eight/year/old granddaughter, who absolutely loved it. After some comparative shopping of very similar chairs, we chose this one because it seemed larger than others and better to accommodate her as she grows or allow her to snuggle up with her little sister, which she did reluctantly as soon as it was assembled. I tried it and enjoyed sitting in it, too. It reminded me of a papasan chair I had years ago, but its more streamlined and compact. The fabric is soft and comfy and the chair is sturdy, as well.
Comfy, sturdy, and soft, this chair is a great little accent piece for a corner or reading area.
I bought this for my eight/year/old granddaughter, who absolutely loved it. After some comparative shopping of very similar chairs, we chose this one because it seemed larger than others and better to accommodate her as she grows or allow her to snuggle up with her little sister, which she did reluctantly as soon as it was assembled. I tried it and enjoyed sitting in it, too. It reminded me of a papasan chair I had years ago, but its more streamlined and compact. The fabric is soft and comfy and the chair is sturdy, as well.