Good looking, comfortable, functional, and mostly sturdy. Love that this chair is able to and be folded up. We bought 2 of these for our 14 and 10 year olds as s. Only area of possible concern is the folding back, which has a racheting sound and can imagine it breaking at some point through repeated use. Going on 4 months and so far so good. Would definitely recommend at this point.
Great buy overall. Worth the spend.
Good looking, comfortable, functional, and mostly sturdy. Love that this chair is able to and be folded up. We bought 2 of these for our 14 and 10 year olds as s. Only area of possible concern is the folding back, which has a racheting sound and can imagine it breaking at some point through repeated use. Going on 4 months and so far so good. Would definitely recommend at this point.