The great things about this chair were the price and that it really was as easy to assemble as it claimed. It is sturdy but uncomfortable. The seat was too hard or the wrong angle. It may be the angle because even with padding, it did not improve the comfort level much. The comfort level also seems to change based on the floor surfacing. A different carpet (thicker I think) has improved the comfort level. It was never unusable, and I suspect some body types will not be uncomfortable at all.
Nice for the price
The great things about this chair were the price and that it really was as easy to assemble as it claimed. It is sturdy but uncomfortable. The seat was too hard or the wrong angle. It may be the angle because even with padding, it did not improve the comfort level much. The comfort level also seems to change based on the floor surfacing. A different carpet (thicker I think) has improved the comfort level. It was never unusable, and I suspect some body types will not be uncomfortable at all.