So easy to put together, instructions were clear. Very sturdy after completion and it works perfect as a bedside table. Does not feel cheap or flimsy, all edges are finished. Also included extra screws, but they were unnecessary. Just a note, the Allen keys are in each appropriate bag for corresponding screws, I thought they were missing at first. Make sure you pay attention to the location of all the holes in the instructions before assembling, everything only goes one direction.
Super easy to assemble!
So easy to put together, instructions were clear. Very sturdy after completion and it works perfect as a bedside table. Does not feel cheap or flimsy, all edges are finished. Also included extra screws, but they were unnecessary. Just a note, the Allen keys are in each appropriate bag for corresponding screws, I thought they were missing at first. Make sure you pay attention to the location of all the holes in the instructions before assembling, everything only goes one direction.